The Big Stink: Living with Skunks in Sun City
At a small neighborhood gathering last summer here in Sun City, some of the guests told stories about skunks spraying their dogs (ugh!); and wandering into yards and onto patios, then becoming frightened and spraying everything and everybody. So how can we get along with these unwelcome party guests?
There are four species of skunks in Central Texas but the striped skunk is the most common, especially around established neighborhoods. Mostly nocturnal, they locate their dens in rocky outcrops and under large boulders; skunks eat mostly insects, but also dine on reptiles, rodents, birds and vegetation. Skunks are beneficial to gardeners because they eat a lot of garden pests – white grubs, moles, cutworms, etc. Skunks only live about two years, but they do not have many predators for the same reason we do not want intimate contact! Predators include the great horned owl, coyotes, and red fox. Skunks can and do carry rabies in addition to mange. (In Texas, skunks, bats, coyotes, and foxes are the most commonly infected animals.)
Skunks breed in February or March and the babies are born in May; more than one litter per year is rare. When threatened, skunks make a purring sound and sometimes growl. Prior to spraying, skunks put on a defensive display and may rise up on their feet and click their teeth. Skunks are not generally aggressive with each other or with animals from other species. However, it is best not to approach a skunk if you happen to see one.
What Attracts Skunks to Your Yard
· Bird feeders and sunflower seeds—skunks love these foods!
· Dog or cat food left outside—yum, easy dinner!
· Fallen fruit including tomatoes
· Piles of wood
· if your yard is rich in insects, larvae, and other grubs, skunks will gladly dig up your yard to get them.
Simple Ways to Keep Skunks Away
· Take down your birdseed and feeders every night; store in a lid-tight container preferably
inside the garage.
· Mothballs, cayenne pepper, and lemon peels are all great for keeping skunks away from
your home.
· Plant holly and fritillaria imperialis—these plants repel skunks.
· Chicken wire around your fence will help keep them out of the backyard if you have a dog.
· Predator urine—coyote or fox urine can be purchased on Amazon or Home Depot.
If a skunk sprays you, baking soda and hydrogen peroxide will eliminate the pungent odor.
Recipe for Skunk Smell Detergent
1 quart of hydrogen peroxide
¼ cup of baking soda
2 teaspoons of liquid dish soap
Mix in a large container and soak your “skunky” clothes for at least an hour before washing in cold water; let clothes air dry. You can also use this solution on dogs and it works better than other home remedies.
Gustafson, Mark. A Naturalist’s Guide to the Texas Hill Country. College Station, Texas A&M University Press, 2015
“Striped Skunk, (Mephitis mephitis)”, Texas Parks and Wildlife,
Article provided by Alison Henley