Green Anole (Anolis carolinensis)
Description: The green anole (actually pronounced ‘uh nowl’) may be either green or brown. The color changes are caused by hormones and can be triggered by temperature, background color or mood. A hormone called intermedin secreted by the pituitary gland is responsible for these changes. Green anoles tend to remain green when temperatures are more than 70 degrees F., while they tend to remain brown during cool weather conditions.
When brown, the green anole may have faint markings on the back. Males have a pinkish throat fan that is displayed in territorial rivalries or when approaching a potential mate. Adult green anoles are 5 to 8 inches long.
Habitat: Anoles are adept at climbing trees, shrubs, fences and walls. Since they are active during daytime, they are easily observed as they go about their activities in the garden, park or even in our homes. Anoles are frequently seen basking in the sun or hunting insects around Central Texas homes.
Habits: Anoles are active by day in warm weather and often bask in vegetation, occasionally charging away from a basking spot to grab an insect or chase off a rival anole. During cool weather anoles are often found hiding under tree bark, shingles, or in rotten logs. Sometimes many anoles can be found taking refuge in one spot.
Prey: There is no need to worry about this lizard as it is not harmful to humans or your pets. If you see these lizards in your yard or home, it most likely means you are not using pesticides that could harm it. In fact, these lizards are beneficial, as they do feed on a wide variety of small insects such as crickets, cockroaches, moths, grubs, beetles, flies and grasshoppers. They do not chew their food but swallow it whole.
When male anoles are feeling particularly aggressive, they threaten by opening and closing their large, red dewlap at will. This colorful display is typically reserved for defending territory against other male anoles or trying to entice females. Although anoles attempt to stay hidden most of the time, both from their prey and their predators, the males certainly take a lot of chances.
This gesture, by male anoles, is often accompanied by bobbing up and down, sort of like doing push-ups. The lizard is only trying to look tough. It is harmless and actually can be quite fun to watch, especially when you know how beneficial it is, dining on a variety of insects from your garden.
Reproduction: Breeding occurs March through November. Throughout the spring and summer months, female green anoles lay tiny single white round eggs, in moist soil or rotten wood. Eggs typically require an incubation period of six weeks (depending on temperatures) and egg hatching occurs from late spring to fall. Young anoles resemble miniature adults.
Predators: While captive anoles can live up to 7 years, males in the wild seem to live no more than a couple of years. Birds are a major enemy and often anoles will be seen with missing tails and body wounds, including holes in their sides. One habit that makes for lost tails seems may be the way anoles will perch upside-down while hunting. Their tail sticks out in the air and often flips back and forth like a cat. No doubt this is an easy mark for a bird in the vicinity. The anoles can re-grow their tail, but the new tail part lacks bones, often has a deformed look, and usually is a constant grayish brown color.
Photo of green anole provided by Randy Dykstra.