Besides providing us with food for our bodies, HEB has decided to invest in food for our souls. I just learned that HEB is sponsoring a series of short documentary films on the natural beauty of Texas. The director for these films is someone we know—Ben Masters. Ben was the director for the “Deep in the Heart” film shown by the Nature Club earlier this year.
This link will take you to the website where you may enjoy these films. Stories | Our Texas Our Future
For those of you who saw “Deep in the Heart”, you will recognize some of the wildlife here. Enjoy the films and feel free to make a donation to the wildlife organizations who protect our Texas wildlife.
While you are at the HEB website, you should look around. HEB is involved in preserving the natural beauty of Texas in many ways I did not know about. Without promoting a business, I do feel it is good to know the money we spend there is helping good causes.